Friday, February 18, 2011

Indigo Inspiration

Lately my lust for all things indigo has been off the charts and I was so thrilled to have discovered these pieces by textile artist Frank Connet. He uses natural dyes and fabrics and the Japanese Shibori process throughout his work. He's also known nationally for his abilities in textile restoration.....which of course intrigues me even more as my day job is restoring antique rugs.

Hand woven wool, Shibori resist, dyed with natural indigo and walnut.
Shibori resist on wool and linen dyed with indigo and walnut. Shaped 3-dimensionally with thread.
I'm most struck by how visually simplistic his pieces are while at the same time knowing how much knowledge, craftsmanship and untold hours went into making each one.


Kathryn said...

These are stunning! Thanks for the introduction to his work.

Peppermint Pinwheels said...

That's what I call "Shibori done right." I'm off to check this guy out!

Patty said...

Hi Kathryn!
I know....his work is really amazing. Btw, I've been really enjoying your blog and and really inspired by your work!

Patty said...

Miss Pinwheels! True dat.

Sonya Philip said...

I am entranced by indigo lately, thanks for posting these pieces. It was nice meeting you at AVFKW.

Patty said...

Thanks Sonya! It was lovely meeting you too :)
How'd the sweater turn out?